TBRC Registration Form
Registration with Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA): for insurance purposes, all rowers must be registered with RCA: Register here with RCA
Payment: please note, you cannot pay for TBRC programs through the RCA website. After submitting this form, TBRC will email you within 48 hours to confirm your registration and with instructions for e-transfer of payment.
Consent to Rules and Policies: rowers must agree to abide by TBRC Safety Rules, Code of Conduct and Ethics, Concussion Code of Conduct, and Image Consent . Please read these before continuing.
Safety Awareness: We also ask you to go through the RCA Safety Module It consists of six, self-paced, interactive modules which cover risk assessment, boating safety, environment & weather, athlete emergency response, individual safety and equipment. For those new to the sport, there may be parts you don’t fully understand, but our Learn-to-Row course will be able to address any unanswered questions. For returning rowers, it’s a good start-of-season refresher, especially the videos on how to get back into an overturned shell!